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Research is essential to verify and support all the health benefits of Honeybush with clear scientific evidence.

The polyphenols – antioxidants that protect living cells against cancer – were studied first of all. Conclusive evidence was found that these polyphenols can prevent or interrupt the development of cancer.

Honeybush contains a number of known phytoestrogens (phyto = plant). These plant compounds bind to the oestrogen receptors in the body and can imitate the effects of human oestrogen.

Honeybush could therefore help to relieve menopause-related symptoms and protect post-menopausal women against cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

Honeybush contains relatively high quantities of the anti-oxidant mangiferin. Mangiferin-enriched extracts have huge potential as an ingredient in future designer foods, nutraceuticals and cosmetics.

Scientists are also investigating the interaction of the compounds in Honeybush inside living cells – that is how they are absorbed and broken down in the body.

Researchers are using breeding programmes and improved cultivation methods to improve quality and productivity in the Honeybush industry. Sustainability for farming as well as wild-harvesting is an important focus of production research.